Real Work, Real Life

Social Media Manager

Emily Sampson Episode 30

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On this week's episode of Real Work, Real Life, I’m talking with Morgan, a social media manager through her business Casco Collaborative. If you’re curious about social media management or what it’s like making the leap from a corporate role to entrepreneurship, this is a great episode for you. Most of Morgan’s clients are in beauty and wellness, an industry that she is personally passionate about too. I think this is also a great episode about the power of knowing yourself. Morgan built a company doing something she personally really enjoys, creating content for social media, supporting an industry that she loves, full of people she enjoys spending time with, and she’s thriving. Truly knowing yourself, and understanding what brings you joy and what makes you miserable, may sound simple, but it’s fundamental to finding fulfillment in your working life, and by extension, your entire life. Most importantly, what that looks like will be different for everyone, and I think it’s rarely *just* about your job function. That’s certainly a piece of it, but it’s just one component of whether you will enjoy the time you spend working, or dread it, it’s all the things that people share here each week that make up a full experience at work.

If you’re interested in working with Morgan or learning more about what she offers, you can find her on Instagram @cascocollaborative.

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Morgan Social Media Manager

[00:00:00] Welcome to real work real life, where I talked to real people about what they do for work and what that means for their lives. Today, I'm talking with Morgan, a social media manager through her business, Casco collaborative. If you're curious about social media management or what it's like making the leap from a corporate role to entrepreneurship. This is a great episode for you. Most of Morgan's clients are in beauty and wellness and industry that she is personally passionate about too. I think this is also a great episode about the power of knowing yourself, Morgan belt, a company, doing something shape personally, really enjoys creating content for social media. Supporting an industry that she loves full of people she enjoys spending time with and she's thriving. Truly knowing yourself and understanding what brings you joy and what makes you miserable. May sound simple, but it's fundamental to finding fulfillment in your working life and by extension your entire life. Most [00:01:00] importantly, what that looks like will be different for everyone. And I think it's rarely just about your job function. That's certainly a piece of it, but it's just one component of whether you will enjoy the time you spend working or dreaded. It's all the things that people share here each week that make up a full experience at work. So let's get into it.

Emily: Thank you so much for being here, Morgan.

Morgan: Thank you so much for having me, Emily. I'm excited.

Emily: So what do you do for work?

Morgan: So I am the founder of Casco Collaborative, which is a social media management business based in Portland, Maine that specializes in creating an authentic and engaging social presence for the beauty and wellness industry. I work with local businesses here in Maine. I also work nationwide as well.

Emily: That is so interesting. So can you share like a little bit of an elevator pitch of what social media management is for the companies that you work for? what are the sort of things you're handling [00:02:00] for them?

Morgan: So I handle everything from day to day posts. I create content calendars monthly. I handle all engagement, so focusing on creating community for their brand. Also, a lot of market research goes into that too which is part of the fun. That's one of my favorite parts of the job is market research and competitive research, that type of thing.

Emily: Mm hmm.

Morgan: And also, content creation. 

So I handle, grid posts like carousels, I edit reels. I shoot on site as well. So those are kind of my big, tasks, 

Emily: that is so cool. That is really interesting stuff. So how did you get into it? What interested you about it initially?

Morgan: I've always had a love of all things, social media. I'm a millennial and have always been obsessed with any new technology, trend or app. I remember when I was in college and Instagram came out and it was like love at first [00:03:00] sight for me. I, like, immediately downloaded it, created an account, explored it, and I've always been like that too when, when I was young.

I remember my parents had a Mac, like the old Mac, I'm talking really old, like the first Mac computer that came out. This was when computers started cropping up in houses. I think I was in, I would say maybe first grade but I taught myself how to use it. I've always. been like that when it comes to technology.

I've always found it really interesting. So Instagram, Facebook, those were no exception either. So it was, like I said, love at first sight.

Emily: Early adopters.

Morgan: Yes, exactly.

Emily: So thinking about kind of your background to starting your business what's your sort of educational background? Were there any things you did in particular that got you to this place that prepared you for starting your own business?

Morgan: So I started pretty slow. I have a degree in fashion merchandising with a [00:04:00] minor in communication. So I've always had an eye for anything aesthetic. I love being creative. So that really meshed well into social media, especially content creation. I did Casco collaborative part time for a year and a half before going full time this past spring.

Emily: What did you do for work before you launched Casco Collaborative?

Morgan: Yeah. So I was a corporate girl, nine to five. I did the sales thing for a while. I, I truly am very grateful for the experience that I gained. In the corporate landscape and if somebody is in corporate I mean my husband works corporate and and if that is someone's career path, that is great I just got to the point where I was getting a little burnt out and I was almost having kind of like a midlife career crisis

Emily: Mm

Morgan: and I thought to myself What are you gonna do?

How can you use what you love and what you're passionate about for the rest of your [00:05:00] life and it be sustainable? And how can you also, you know help small businesses along the way and really like stick to their authentic voice and their authentic brand.

Emily: That's amazing. thinking about that background, I know there might not necessarily be. a typical path to get there. But if somebody were sort of trying to get into this field today, is there any like major in college or certification or sort of known path that someone might take through the working world that would prepare them to do the kind of work that you do?

Morgan: So besides paying for a four year or whatever College education that can really range I truly do not believe A college education is a absolute necessity for this job. I think the big portion of that is is experience as far as What you're going to need to start your journey.

You're going to have to you know, pay Startup business expenses [00:06:00] like paying for an LLC or sticking with sole proprietorship Bookkeeping tax prep client management. That's really important. Any sort of camera gear, your, like a nice iPhone or whatever phone you choose to use, you don't have to use an iPhone.

I just prefer an iPhone. Any sort of editing software apps, travel costs, that type of thing, even though a lot of those can be a tax write off, which is great. So, monthly, if you break it all down, you're, gonna look to spend anywhere from 500 to 1, 000. And that's just for the back end expense.

Emily: just like getting your business set up at the beginning, sort

Morgan: exactly. Yes.

Emily: Yeah. How did you learn the skills you needed to set this up as a small business?

Morgan: So trial and error for sure. I certainly I had no idea, honestly, I'll be totally transparent. I, I had no idea like what. Really went into a small business. So a lot of Google searches asking a lot of, I have a lot of friends. in the industry in Portland that [00:07:00] have small businesses. So it was a matter of, you know, asking them, what do I do?

Emily: Right. 

Morgan: I'm, I'm like confused. I'm concerned. I'm a little afraid. 

Can you help me? So that was really awesome. But I've, I basically did it on my own. I did my own research. I think that's something that's really important to do. You have to do your own research for your own business because everyone's business journey looks different.

 It may not be like the path that everybody takes as far as what I do first, or what they do first, 

so you just kind of have to, roll with the punches, so to speak, because it's a lot. And it's a lot of fun. It's very scary at first, figuring everything out and getting everything in order, but I am a firm believer in getting those systems in place in the beginning.

Like, taking that first year and just getting everything in order, getting, like, your sights set on your goals, what you want to achieve. It really helps, like, [00:08:00] having a good support system. I'm very blessed with a great support system, but It's just a matter of just going for it and rolling with the punches and know that like everything as far as systems go and learning, like what you need to learn to manage a successful small business, I think you just need to not put a lot of pressure on yourself.

You just need to do it.

Emily: That is such great advice. And honestly, I think. You know, for myself thinking about starting a small business, it feels so daunting. And so I think it's helpful just to hear that, yeah, most people starting out, they don't really know, and they're just sort of figuring it out as they go along. And I think that encouragement to work hard early on to set up good systems is a really good piece of advice to like, see how you can make your work life easier as early as possible. So what sort of personality do you think does well in this field of work?

Morgan: That is another great question. I love, love, love, love this question. I think there's room for a lot of [00:09:00] personality types in this job. Whether you're an introvert or an extrovert, I would say I'm definitely a combination of both.

I ride that midline of being a homebody and being very social. But everyone has something different and new to give and not every social media manager is going to be a good fit for every business. And that is. Okay you have to find your people that you vibe with and that's where the magic happens in business and I think just life in general.

I think something that is a must in this job though is having that drive and that optimism. To run a small business because it is not for the faint of heart. I will say that.

Emily: Some resilience. I'm sure

Morgan: Mm hmm.

Emily: that makes a lot of sense. So what do you make and what do your other benefits look like? If you're you know, if you're at the point where your business provides benefits.

Morgan: Yeah, so I'm very fortunate that my husband [00:10:00] works at a really great job that does afford us great healthcare benefits and just benefits in general. I understand that not everybody has that in place. I'm not really sure exactly what I would be doing. I mean, I would obviously need healthcare somewhere else but the nice thing about this also, too, is that when it comes time to plan for a family or, you know, move into a home, I can take the time that I need to do that 


and also, really curate my time wisely where I need to.

So my social and my personal life and my personal goals and my goals that my husband and I have, those don't take a backburner. And that's a perk of being more of a freelancer in a small business is that you create your time, 

Emily: Mm hmm. 

Morgan: As far as pay goes, it really ranges.

And it even ranges for me monthly. I would say somebody starting out in this business for me, I was able to [00:11:00] supplement my income within the first two months. Of going full time. So I was very fortunate, very blessed to be able to do that. Currently now my, I would say my yearly salary ranges anywhere from 65 to 70, but that really depends on a lot of factors.

It depends on onboarding new clients. It depends on other clients going in a different direction. But I would say that that, honestly, if you put in the work, that's a really great base 

for starting out if you have, you know, that demand and it's funny because I come from a sales background, but I've had a lot of my clients been through referrals, which is amazing because I have the most amazing clients that I vibe with and that I can call my friends

so a lot of my business has come through referrals.

I haven't really had to, make, that sales pitch yet so to speak.

so it's been great. I'm not saying that I'm never gonna have to do that. I'm sure I will [00:12:00] and I'm prepared to do that when I need to. But I think the most important thing for me is I went into this knowing that you're not for everybody.

And there's going to be people that are just not going to mesh with you and your business. And I can't represent somebody in social media that I don't have that relationship with, it's just that I don't believe in their business, it's just not, I mean, obviously I want everybody's business to succeed, but I think that we all gravitate towards certain people, and we mesh with certain people better than others, and I think, like I said earlier, that's where the magic happens as far as creating a great social presence, I think that's one of the biggest things.

Emily: Yeah. Oh, my gosh. That is amazing. That's such a good insight so thinking about location, is this the sort of role that you could really do from anywhere or do you find that being based in a specific location, like being based in more of a city is helpful?

Morgan: I [00:13:00] do definitely think that being based in a city is helpful. However, I have, you know, I have one client in Arizona, which is all the way across the country. So. I think being based in a city is great for networking. So I know a lot of people in Portland. I know a lot of people in the beauty and wellness industry.

That's been very helpful because my services have really benefited from word of mouth. 


But I mean, you could be anywhere. And I think that's on the flip side, that's the beauty of this business is you can go on vacation and work. You can go on vacation and not work. You could go. Wherever you want to and work remotely.

I think it's just the big thing is structuring your day to be The most profitable it can be and, and really making sure that your day is structured in a way that works for you, but also works for your clients as number one. And, you know, you get everything done on time and honestly, I feel like small business is.

 about organization, like it's just, that's all it is, having those systems [00:14:00] in place because once you do that, and it's taken me a few months to figure out what works for me, what systems work for me, especially with client management and client creation. But once you have that in place. You can go anywhere, do anything you want.

Emily: Amazing. Yeah. So, you know, you mentioned that a lot of flexibility as possible, but do you feel like you have a good work life balance in this field? do you feel like you're able to kind of control your time well, or are you often sort of constrained somewhat by the needs of your clients from a schedule perspective?

Morgan: So, I would say when I very first started this business a couple months ago, I was 24 7 on my phone, petrified that I was forgetting something, or that I wasn't communicating with a client as much as I need to, I wanted everybody to feel like they were my only client

Emily: right. 

Morgan: you know, but that's not the most sustainable.

Of course, I still strive [00:15:00] to have all of my clients feel like my only client. But I do strive and thankfully I have great clients. I've never had a client be. You know push you with me or try to talk to me like outside of when they know i'm away or outside of my Business hours or that type of thing, but i've also in my head there are certain times where i'm not going to respond to a text because It's sunday or it's the weekend and if I don't want to do that I'm not going to do that.

I put my office hours on my welcome kits for a reason just because I do want people to know that I I'm trying to have 

boundaries, at least. 

Emily: Yeah,

Morgan: but, I mean, I love this job. So if somebody were to text me something, I would say nine times out of ten I'm probably gonna text them back.

I might not carry on, like, a lengthy text conversation with them, or a lengthy email conversation with them, but... I enjoy this business. I enjoy [00:16:00] what my clients are up to. I enjoy the updates from them. I like their ideas. If they want to bounce an idea off me randomly, like at seven o'clock at night, I'm not going to ignore that unless I'm, you know, ready to, I want to go to bed early or something like that.

I'm, I'm certainly, you know, I'm not going to ignore that because I enjoy it.

Emily: That makes a lot of sense. Some, I think some, kind of more consultants or service providers, they end up working on urgent deadlines for their clients. And so that controls their time somewhat, but it sounds like you have more of an ability to plan ahead. And as long as you're well organized, you can maintain your own boundaries and office hours for the most part.

Morgan: yes for sure.

Emily: So walk me through your average day. And I, you mentioned having kind of structures in place around organization. I would love to hear if you found anything that works really well for you. I think that would be really interesting to know about for other small business owners.

Morgan: Yeah, I would love to share So my mornings consist of me [00:17:00] Getting the bulk of my client work done I try to do that before noon that way I can spend the rest of my day working on the back end of my business Get a workout in I also teach fitness.

So I sometimes I'll teach a class at noon or I'll teach a class early morning, so I have to like work around that. But I do try. I haven't been the best. I was late, but I try to get a workout in during the day. And then I like to end my day going on a walk, kind of you know, decompressing. I also go on a walk to When I'm in between doing content creation which I'll get to in a second, but I'll go on a walk, call my mom, usually call my mom at least once a 

day, if not more than once a day, just to kind of vent, we never run out of things to talk about, so I'll do that to end my day, and then I'll come home and kind of look to see what I have to do for the next day and have dinner with my husband and have the time to chill out.

I used to work out at night and I can't do that [00:18:00] anymore. It's too much. My brain will just, my brain and my body will just never rest. So

Emily: My desire to work out decreases as each hour goes along in the

Morgan: Yeah. And I, being a small business owner, I, like I said, I used to do my nine to five and then I used to work out after work and I can't, I can't do it anymore.

It's just not conducive to my, to my life now.

Emily: Yeah. 

Morgan: But yeah, so, and, so that's kind of like my average day, and when I say in the morning, I usually do all my posting, I'll do my story posts, I'll do my engagement, I do that Monday, typically Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday depending on the demand of posts, my posting schedule for each client and just the social media strategy.

And then I will say the end of the months are my busiest time just because I'm working on my client content plans for everyone. And when you have, you know, 12 clients, that's a lot because you're making a calendar for everybody. And getting their [00:19:00] approval and also coming up with all the content.

But it's nice because... I usually get very inspired during the months prior just because if I, I'll just randomly come up with an idea and put it in my phone and I'll be like, well, we're going to do that next month for this client because, you know, or I'll see something on Instagram or social media that I really love and I want to recreate it for that client.

So it's also another important part of my day to day is keeping up with. Instagram algorithm a lot of people think that you know, their algorithm hacks and, you know, you can do certain things, post at certain times, which does definitely have its place, but there's no magic formula for Instagram a lot of people think there is.

There is not. The magic formula for Instagram and social media is consistency and hard work.

Spoiler alert to everybody, but that's what it is. It's a lot. It's, a full time, I mean, obviously, it's a full time job. it's hard. I think it's supposed socials.[00:20:00] 

So, you know, 

Emily: right.

Morgan: so yeah, no magic formula. Sorry, everyone. But it's just a lot of hard work. There's no like crazy algorithm hack. There's definitely trends, but there's no magic formula. I'm sorry.

Emily: Oh my gosh. So. 

How do you view the prospects in this field right now? Are you finding that there's. Is there a lot of demand for your services or is there more, more or less competition than you expected?

Morgan: So, the market for social media management in general is very saturated. There's a lot of us. There's a lot of social media managers. Which leads me to my next point is there's also a giant demand for it as well. Which is great. And another part, and I did touch on this earlier, is that Everybody has their own [00:21:00] superpower, so to speak. And not everybody, like I said earlier again, is for everybody. There's a social media manager out there for every business. And I think that's why it's important to have a niche. My niche just happens to be the beauty and wellness industry.

I'm thinking about expanding that a little bit. I haven't decided yet. But I grew up with a vast knowledge of self care, of products. I had a skincare routine when I was literally 10.

I, I, my mom really instilled that in me. She instilled quality products. I grew up getting all the services.

I remember getting my hair highlighted when I was in eighth grade. I've always had an interest and maybe in another time or place I would have gone to esthetician school or cosmetology school or whatever, but it's always been a big interest of mine and I think I have that unique view that I can.

Add to these businesses [00:22:00] because I come at it from the client perspective

Emily: Right.

Morgan: versus somebody that's been in the industry. They're the industry professionals at their job, but I know I've been around, dabbled in enough services, seen, you know, a lot of professionals to know what I like and what I think is a good service.

And I think I can add that to my business when it comes to the beauty and wellness.

Emily: That is amazing. And I think having that niche I think can be really important that I imagine sometimes it can be tempting to be really broad, but that you probably have better luck being the exact right person for a smaller group than being the sort of partly right person for a really large group.

Morgan: Yes. Exactly.

Emily: That's really interesting. Okay. So you've talked about a few things that you love about your job already, but is there anything you would add that you love about your job right now, especially if you think people might find it surprising?

Morgan: [00:23:00] Definitely the client interactions. I love my clients. I have that are very, like I said earlier, they've become my friends.

They're very soul centered and we all get along very well. When I say all, I mean me and my client.

But. We're very, very similar in ways. We have a lot in common, which is nice.

I feel like I've definitely been fortunate in that. I've been able to draw clients in that are just very similar. And we have a lot in common, very nice trusting clients that are, able to let me do my thing while helping them and also giving me feedback, if that makes sense.

Emily: Absolutely. Yeah. I think the sort of types of people that you'll be surrounded by in your work is something that we don't always factor in as much when we think about. the jobs that we have. And it's so important. I [00:24:00] mean, you're spending so much time interacting with those people for most, you know, working adults.

Morgan: Exactly. I've been very fortunate with my clients and hopefully that stays that way. Fingers crossed. But you know, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it, but yes, the really kind of centered clients that just understand you and, and get your process and are also really open.

Those are the best, best clients to have for sure.

Emily: That makes a lot of sense not to get negative, but is there anything that's tough about it that you either didn't expect at all, or you didn't anticipate how challenging it would be?

Morgan: Yes, so organizing my day is the most 

challenging. I've come from a structure of a nine to five where I know exactly what I'm going to do every day, most of the time, but I know exactly what I'm going to do every day and I don't really have a choice. I mean, I have a choice of my day, but I know what I'm going to do.

It's very predictable versus this. I really have [00:25:00] to hone in on what are you going to do in the morning? What are you going to do in the afternoon? When are you going to stop work? How long are you going to focus on this? Because if I don't do that, I'll just focus on something for the whole day. And I'll just get so wrapped up in it.

I just, and then I, it's hard for me to switch gears into something else. So that's definitely been the hardest part. And just trying to set goals and like, you know, financial goals and, making them. But again, I've been, I've been fortunate in that respect so far. So I think a lot of it is just.

Being communicative with your goals and and just kind of having tunnel vision and And not looking back or like compare yourself to anybody else. I think that's something that I'm learning as I get older and, I think my getting into my thirties has been a very transformative time for my, my mind and my mental, like how I view things now.

I view things very different than I did in my twenties. I'm at the point where I don't. want to look to my left [00:26:00] and right and see what everybody else is doing and compare myself. I just want to focus on being the best version of myself. And, you know, self doubt does creep in sometimes. I think that's the case for everybody.

But if, you know, you have faith and you just keep looking forward into the future, everything is, going to fall into place. But you do have to, you have to believe that though. Like, you can't, you have to try very hard. To get to let go of the self doubt, let go of that imposter syndrome.

it happens to all of us, but it's that tunnel vision that's like one of the best pieces of advice I can give anybody. It's just focus on you, focus on your journey forward.

Emily: Oh, my gosh. That's great advice. So, thinking about that, looking ahead. What do you hope to be doing more of and, and less of in the next five to 10 years as you continue to go forward with your business?

Morgan: I would love to expand my business. I'd love to hire some other social media managers on at some point. That's not going to happen for a little while, [00:27:00] but that's definitely something I would like to do. I would love to have like a brick and mortar office, maybe downtown and really create a full run agency.

I would love to do that. And then while I have all of that in place, I want to I want to do less. Like, that might sound crazy, but I want to outsource and delegate so that I can do what I love, but also focus on, like, what is most important in my life, and that's my family. And... So I really want to get to that point where I like don't have a crazy calendar or I'm doing a million things during the day.

I want to, build something that can sustain itself and I can also give others the opportunity to do what they love within my business as well.

Emily: that's amazing. Yeah. I mean, to be able to provide the workplace that, you know, we all wish we, we had or we have and enjoy and we want to share with others. That's great. so this is a really broad [00:28:00] one, but. Do you have any kind of social media recommendations for small businesses, like, Oh, you know, I wish business owners knew X about social media or the, the biggest pitfall I see small business owners making with social media is this anything along those lines?

Morgan: One of the biggest things that I notice is a lot of social media accounts and companies don't have a cohesive brand. I think that's really important to have cohesiveness, whether it be within your company or on your Instagram profile. I, think I'm very into aesthetics.

Granted, that's not the strategy for every single one of my clients, but as a whole, and I'm sure it has to do with my background, but I love like an aesthetic grid. I think that's very important, but also it needs to resonate with your brand. So I always say social media is an extension of your [00:29:00] brand.

I'm not creating your brand, I'm extending your brand. So, I think it's important to have that branding in place first 


before you go and hire, like, outsource a social media manager. So I think it's important to find out, like, who you are, what you're offering, what your products are, before hiring somebody.

And I, I see that a lot. you know, a lot of companies sometimes will reach out to me asking for help and I'll, you know, I'll go and look at their profile and it's just, it's all over the place and there's just not a cohesive vision. And it's very hard for me to work with companies that aren't sure of themselves and aren't sure what exactly they have to offer.

So I would definitely recommend branding 

beforehand. I know so many amazing. Branding agencies that I have recommended in the past to some clients. But another one, and this is a very controversial one. of [00:30:00] times people will be afraid to show their face it happens to all of us. I'm not one to be too camera shy. I'll be honest with you. That's just something. I guess I'm just rare like that I I love photo shoots. I did a lot of modeling in college. So i'm pretty comfortable in front of the camera. I just It's just a thing I have, I guess. My mom always laughs. She's probably going to laugh when she hears this part because we talk about it, but it's just not something I've ever had trouble with.

However, I would say about 90 percent of my clients and people I talk to, they don't like to put their face in front of the camera or on their brain. And that is fine. I totally understand because it's a scary thing. it's vulnerability. I get it. Not everyone feels comfortable with that, but I do I think that the beauty of that is that people want to see people, they're not looking at people being like, and while I will say the internet can be a really scary and judgmental place, most of the [00:31:00] time when you put your face out there, people are just happy that you're there, like they just want to learn about you and they want to learn about your product and the more honest and upfront you are, people are going to buy that product.

People don't buy products, they buy feelings. And if you're making them feel good, they're gonna, they're gonna be more apt to develop that trust with you. And I think that that happens when you show up and show your face and, show the person behind the brand.

Emily: Yeah. 

Morgan: relate to that.

And if they don't relate to that, then that's fine. They'll just move on to the next, the next thing. Maybe they'll relate better to something, another brand. That's fine.

Emily: Oh, that's a good point. And yes, I can absolutely understand that reluctance to show your face, but I can see the value of it for sure. That's really good advice.

Morgan: Yep, those are my two, I think my two big ones for sure.

Emily: So this is the last question I have for you and you've already covered a whole bunch of really great pieces of advice. So if [00:32:00] you don't have anything to add, you know, we can call it at the, at the last question. But if you do have anything to add what is one piece of advice generally about work that you would give your younger self?

Morgan: Let things go. Don't focus on the small things that are not gonna matter in the end and they're not gonna matter big picture and also, just trust the timing of your life. That sounds very cliche, kind of, but it is so true. there's a season for everything. And you have to trust the timing of that season, and just because something doesn't work out right then, doesn't mean it's not gonna work out in the future.

Emily: that is fantastic advice. Okay. So. So, Morgan, where can people find out more about your work and your company?

Morgan: So I am on Instagram, it's Casco Collaborative. I have my Instagram page. I am working on a website, so that will be launching soon, but I do have a link in my bio with information about how to [00:33:00] contact me if you'd like to work together. I am going to be launching some new services coming up, which will complement the services that I already have. So that's really exciting, but a lot of exciting things in the work.

Emily: Great. I will link that in the show notes too so that people can find that there. And just thank you so much for your time, Morgan. This has been really fun.

Morgan: Awesome. Thank you so much, Emily. , it's been so fun talking to you. I've really enjoyed this.

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